The MBA class of 2015/16 at Oxford Saïd Business School has 339 students of whom 95% are international, comprising 54 nationalities, bringing vast amounts of diversity and experience to a course aimed at providing world’s future leaders with qualities needed to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
“We aim to provide the world’s future business leaders with the skills, knowledge and personal qualities needed to meet the world-scale challenges of the 21st century,” Dr Dana Brown, MBA Programme Director said.
Female students constitute 31% of the class. The age range is 22 to 39 with 28 as average age. The GMAT score is 690 and the students have 5.5 years work experience.
As far as education background is concerned, 45% of students were from Accounting, Finance & Economics, 19% had Engineering, Maths, Science and another 19% from Liberal Arts.
ALSO READ: Cambridge Judge Class Of 2015 Boasts 40 Nationalities
While 25% of the class were in other occupations, 19% came from Financial Services, 15% Telecom, Media & Technology and 14% Consulting.
More than a quarter of the class at 26% were from North America and 25% from South Asia including India and 16% from East Asia.