The LSU Flores MBA Program at the E.J. Ourso College of Business has launched a one-year MBA track for students with undergraduate business degrees from accredited institutions.
The first batch will begin the program in June and graduate in just 11 months.
LSU Flores MBA Program Director Dana Hart said the program is geared toward students who are interested in expediting the process of getting an MBA.
“In assessing our MBA program, we came to the realization that the landscape for MBAs overall is changing,” Hart said. “This is a nice opportunity for us to offer a new format that appeals to a consumer base of students who are looking for a more accelerated pathway to the degree,” he added.
The one-year MBA program also doesn’t require students to participate in an internship like the participants in the two-year MBA program. Although students forgo a summer internship, the skills they develop in the 11-month program make them competitive in the job market.
A report on the student newspaper Reveille said E.J. Ourso College of Business faculty members had been working intensely to develop the program’s curriculum for over a year. Because one-year MBA programs are offered at some other universities, the program responds to the changing MBA market and provides a non-traditional approach to earning the degree.
Most MBA programs require two years of schooling. Students learn business fundamentals during the first year and take electives pertaining to their area of specialization during the second year.
The College of Business’ one-year MBA program is only available to students with undergraduate business degrees because the program does not cover business fundamentals in depth like the two-year program.
Accepted students enrol for a foundations course over the summer and take classes in accounting, statistics and professional development. Hart said the summer session ensures all students understand the business fundamentals that will be used throughout the program.
After the summer session, students are required to take four core courses in organizational behaviour, marketing, finance and strategy. They are free to choose the rest of their electives based on what they want to specialize in.
The one-year MBA program also doesn’t require students to participate in an internship like the participants in the two-year MBA program. Although students forgo a summer internship, the skills they develop in the 11-month program make them competitive in the job market.
“At present, we’re in a stronger market, so I think students have the ability to get an opportunity once they finish this one-year format,” Hart said. “Students see this as a way to get that foundation under their belt, but in a shorter period of time,” he added.
The MBA admissions committee is still evaluating applications for the program but anticipates a class of 15 to 20 students.
Hart said students who are weighing the benefits of a two-year MBA program versus a one-year MBA program to consider what elements of the MBA experience are most important to them.
“The programs are aimed at two different sets of students- one who is looking for the fast track and the other who are looking for that traditional MBA experience,” Hart said. “It’s really about thinking about what lies ahead for you,” he added.