For MBA aspirants, now’s the time to apply for MBA programs starting between January and May 2019 across the world. Most of the schools in Europe and other places, unlike those in the US, have a Spring intake and the early birds can take advantage of it.
For HEC Paris full-time MBA, January 2019 intake, 5 Rounds have been completed. Of the remaining, Round 7 is on July 1, Round 8 on August 15, Round 9 on September 15, Round 10 on October 15 and Round 11 on November 15. The 16-month program offers 11 core courses, 5 specialisations and 70+ specialisation and elective courses.
For INSEAD January 2019 intake (class of December 2019), the first deadline is already over. Round 2 is on May 2, Round 3 on June 20 and Round 4 on August 1. The 10 months full-time program has got two intakes in January and September.
The Madrid based IE Business School has a rolling admissions process for its International MBA. The 12-months full-time program is taught in Spanish, English or bilingual. The average age of the cohort is 29 years with an average work experience of 5 years.
For ESMT, Berlin, the early decision deadline was April 2. The deadline for students who want to enrol in the school’s pre-MBA intensive German language classes in Berlin is July 2. The next deadline is October 1 by which time many of the MBA scholarships are awarded. November 3 is the final deadline for non-EU students and December 3, the final deadline for EU nationals. The 1-year full-time program has technology & innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable business as focus areas.
For INSEAD January 2019 intake (class of December 2019), the first deadline is already over. Round 2 is on May 2, Round 3 on June 20 and Round 4 on August 1. The 10 months full-time program has got two intakes in January and September.
IMD Business School has only one intake for its 12-months program that runs from January to December. For the next session starting in January 2019, the first two rounds deadlines are already over. The 3rd round deadline is on June 1, the 4th on August 1 and the 5th on September 1.
Rotterdam School of Management’s full-time MBA January 2019 intake Round 1 deadline is on April 10, Round 2 on June 12, Round 3 on August 14, Round 4 on October 16 (last deadline for applicants requiring a visa) and Round 5: November 13 (for applicants who do not require a visa). The program is of 1-year duration from January to December.
The Lisbon MBA of Catolica Lisbon in association with MIT Sloan is a one-year full- time program. For the January 2019 intake, Round 1 deadline is September 30 and Round 2 deadline on November 12. For those who want to be considered for scholarships, the application round deadlines are May 31, July 31and September 30.
EDHEC Global MBA January 2019 intake Round 1 deadline is June 30 and Final deadline on November 15. The 10-month program at Nice, France has two intakes in a year, in January and September.
In the University of Strathclyde Business School’s full-time MBA, April 2019 intake, applications are considered in the order they are received. The University of Aberdeen follows rolling admissions for full-time MBA, January 2019 intake.
Singapore Management University (SMU) full-time MBA, January 2019 intake has
Round 2 on July 15 and Round 3 on October 15. For the Indian School of Business (ISB) PGP, April 2019 intake, the deadlines for Indian passport holders are October 15 and January 15, 2019. For non-Indian passport holders, the deadline is on January 15, 2019.