China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) reports strong placement numbers for its MBA Class of 2015. The Class got an average salary increase of 128.6% with 94.4% students receiving at least one offer and 92.5% of the class accepting an offer within three months of graduation
193 students graduated from CEIBS this year, among them, 55 were international students. The placement report was based on 192 responses received from the students within three months after graduation.
During the recruitment season, 308 companies offered a total of 869 opportunities to the School’s MBA students via the Career Development Center (CDC).
Based on the CDC statistics, 48.6% of international students successfully landed jobs in mainland China and 85.7% of the international students remained in the Asia Pacific region.
An analysis of the profile of MBA Class of 2015 and Class of 2016 batches revealed that while the number of students registered a slight drop, the mid GMAT range remained more or less the same.
The total enrollment in 2015 was 192 dipping to 166 in 2016. International students comprised 28.1% of students in 2015, moving up to 34.3% in 2016. Women constituted 43.2% of Class of 2015 that dropped to 32.5% in the next batch.
The mid 80% GMAT range was 640-740 for the 2015 class and 640-730 for the 2016 class.
The average years of work experience was 5.5 years for the 2015 batch and 5.9 for the 2016 batch. Average age upon enrollment was 29.1 for 2015 class and 29.4 for the 2016 class.
As far as the pre-MBA background of the students is concerned, Technology constituted 20.8% in 2015 that dipped to 15.7% in 2016. Financial services came on the second spot with 14.1% in 2015 going up to 15.7% in 2016. Manufacturing was on the third spot at 13.0% and 13.9% respectively.
Students from mainland China constituted 64.6% of the class in 2015, registering a dip to 57.3% in 2016. Asia Pacific came in the second spot at 15.6% and 16.3% respectively. Those from Hong Kong and Taiwan occupied the third spot at 7.3% and 8.4% respectively.
The academic background was science and engineering (40.6% and 41.6%), business & management (34.9% and 40.4%), language & arts (12.5% and 10.2%).
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