CEIBS topped the Bloomberg Businessweek Asia-Pacific B-Schools Ranking 2019-20 while Indian Business School (ISB) marked its debut capturing not only the 4th rank but also standing first in learning and networking.
This year, Bloomberg Businessweek decided to publish its business school rankings by region instead of bringing out a global ranking which it did for the first time in 2018. It has released separate ranking lists for Europe, Asia-Pacific, Canada and the US.
Overall, the ranking survey covered 131 business schools around the world. The ranking was on the basis of data collected from more than 9,000 students, 14,920 alumni and 2,860 corporate recruiters besides compensation and job-placement data from each school.
The Asia-Pacific Ranking has listed a total of seven schools evaluated on the basis of four parameters, namely, Compensation, Learning, Networking and Entrepreneurship.
In the overall ranking, HKUST of Hong Kong was in the 2nd place followed by the National University of Singapore in the 3rd rank, ISB (4th), Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (5th), Shanghai University MBA Centre (6th) and Lingnan (7th).
CEIBS notched up an overall score of 33. It scored 39.1 in Compensation, 40.4 in Learning, 55.8 in Networking and 45.4 in Entrepreneurship.
HKUST posted an overall score of 30.8. It stood first in Compensation having scored 46.9. The school recorded 29.3 for Learning, 34.7 for Networking and 27.1 for Entrepreneurship.
NUS had an overall score of 29.9. The school recorded 37.4 for Compensation, 39.6 for Learning, 45.7 for Networking and 46.8 for Entrepreneurship.
ISB had an overall score of 16.8. The school posted 10.3 for Compensation. It stood first for Learning with a score of 49.8 as also for Networking at 76.6 . and 53 for Entrepreneurship.
SUFE recorded an overall score of 9.1. The school posted 18.6 for Compensation, 10.3 for Learning, 39.9 for Networking and 39 for Entrepreneurship.
SHU MBA Centre had an overall score of 30.8, Compensation 46.9, Learning 29.3, Networking 34.7 and Entrepreneurship 27.1.
Lingnan recorded an overall score of 0.0, Compensation 5.5, Learning 0.0, Networking 44.2 and Entrepreneurship 48.9.
Based on more than 26,804 surveys of MBA students, alumni, and recruiters, as well as employment data provided by schools four indexes, Compensation, Learning, Networking, and Entrepreneurship, were created.
The data was collected in 2019 to help prospective students make better decisions about schools they might attend in 2020. To better reflect that dynamic, the naming convention was changed to ranking for the Best B-Schools 2019-2020.
Bloomberg Businessweek said regional pages for Europe, Asia, and Canada, in addition to the U.S., allows for a more detailed intra-regional index ranking. At the same time, prospective students are provided the opportunity to explore differences among schools in all regions.
The Compensation Index has a weight of 37.3%, Networking Index 25.7%, Learning Index 21.3% and Entrepreneurship Index 15.7%.
On compensation, various factors including the pay right after graduation, alumni earnings, percentage of students employed three months after graduation, percentage of a class receiving a signing bonus and size of bonuses were evaluated.
In Networking, the focus was on the quality of networks being built by classmates; students’ interactions with alumni; successes of the career-services office; quality and breadth of alumni-to-alumni interactions and the school’s brand power, from recruiters’ viewpoints.
In Learning, the consideration was whether the curriculum was applicable to real-world business situations. The degree of emphasis on innovation, problem-solving, and strategic thinking besides the level of inspiration and support from instructors, class size, and collaboration were also taken into account.
In Entrepreneurship, the schools were ranked according to whether the graduates showed exceptional entrepreneurial skills and drive.
Bloomberg ranked 131 business schools around the world, up from 124 in 2018, with 94 in the U.S. Programs can be located anywhere in the world, but classes must be taught primarily in English.
All schools were required to submit employment data for the Class of 2018, following standards set by MBA CSEA, a trade group founded in 1994 to establish and collect consistent, comparable, peer-reviewed data.
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