In the wake of the threat posed by the pandemic Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) along with prominent business schools across India have suspended the classes, postponed examinations and events like the Annual Convocation ceremonies.
The decision comes in the wake of the number of positive cases in India going up to 169 on March 19. So far, the virus has spread to 140 countries, infecting 218,000 and killing more than 8,800 people.
IIM Lucknow has suspended classes with effect from March 18 till further notice. The Institute has also given the students of its two-year Post-Graduate Program (PGP) the option to defer their appearance in the end-semester examination to June.
They could either appear for the exams scheduled from March 21 or in June after returning from the summer internships. The exam schedule in June will be announced 10 days before the tests.
Those who opt for rescheduling the exam to June were directed to vacate the campus by 5:00 pm on March 18 after informing the concerned officials about their choice by filling up an online form.
Corporate Communications and Media Relations Chairman Prof Vikas Srivastava said at the exam hall, a distance of two meters (around six feet) between the seats will be maintained.
Earlier, on March 11, IIM Lucknow had announced In view of the COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak and advisories issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and the World Health Organisation to avoid large gatherings, it was postponing the Convocation scheduled for March 21.
Meanwhile, the Indian School of Business (ISB) with campuses in Hyderabad and Mohali, said, it was adopting a ‘holistic approach’ in addressing this concern. For the first time in its history, ISB postponed the annual graduation ceremony, that was to be held in the first week of April, until further notice.
A note from Prof Philip C Zerrillo, ISB Deputy Dean & Director, Corporate Communications, said, “We continue to work hard to ensure the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff and vendors. We have recently closed our campuses and asked our resident students (both PGP and FPM) to leave the campuses. All common facilities such as the Gym, Salon, and LRC have been closed (though the LRC is still available online).
“As the facilities are vacated, we have begun sanitizing and disinfecting all these buildings should there be a need to house people immediately. All PGP classes are being completed online while non-resident programs such as PGPpro, PGPMAX, and PGP MFAB have ceased beginning new courses until May. Additionally, all international immersions for all programs have been postponed,” he added.
“ISB Staff will move to an alternate schedule of a week on campus and a week off-campus. Despite the reduced on-campus staff, F&B, Grocery stores and the Sarovar facilities will operate fully. All staff and vendor employees will be required to submit to a temperature check to gain entry to the campus. During this time, we will not be accommodating vendor meetings, alumni, or outside guests.
ISB also has put up a website to help update the people on the latest efforts, news and changes in policy due to the pandemic.
Management Development Institute (MDI) Gurgaon has suspended all classes till March 31 as per the directions of the Haryana State government. While the faculty and staff would be attending their office, all students have been directed to vacate the hostel rooms as early as possible. They have been asked to proceed to their hometowns or to their local guardians.
However, exchange students will be allowed to stay in MDI hostel and mess facilities will also be available. They should adhere to the guidelines of the Government of India if they want to return to their country, MDI said in a statement.
The coming examinations are to be either assignment-based or through online modes. This will be faculty discretion in consultation with the concerned program office. The online/assignment-based exams for NMP/EMP may be conducted from March 20, it added.
In view of the COVID-19 situation and advisory issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to avoid mass gatherings, IIM Indore postponed its 21st Annual Convocation scheduled to be held on March 24-25.
IIM-I Director Prof Himanshu Rai said the situation was being closely monitored. Fresh dates for the Convocation will be decided depending on how things unfold in the coming days.
IIM Bangalore has decided to postpone the Convocation 2020 scheduled for March 20 in view of the COVID-19 Corona Virus outbreak and the advisories by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the World Health Organisation to avoid large gatherings,
“We have consulted all the stakeholder groups. This decision has been taken based on their inputs and subsequent deliberations, keeping in mind that your and your family’s safety is paramount,” IIMB Director Prof G Raghuram said.
“IIMB would also like to assure you that while we are geared to contain the spread of the virus on campus (thanks to our Administrative Staff), we have taken this decision to avoid putting you and your family at risk, both due to travel and the large gathering.
“We will continuously monitor the situation and when we feel that the situation enables us, the new date for the Convocation will be decided. The respective Program Offices will get in touch with students regarding the receipt of the degrees,” he added.
IIM Ahmedabad said In view of the advisories issued by the Union Health Ministry and WHO following the eruption of the COVID-19 Corona Virus, the Institute decided to defer the Annual Convocation scheduled for March 21.
“The decision has been taken to preclude any risks to students and their extended families and friends as well as to the faculty and employees of the institute. In due course the respective program offices will be in touch with the graduating batch regarding the receipt of their degrees,” the IIM said in a statement.
IIM Ahmedabad also decided to move PhD Admission interviews online due to COVID-19 and Government of India advisories on travel and gatherings. The online interviews will be held during March 31–April 3, it added.
In view of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak and its status being escalated to a ‘Pandemic’ by the WHO, IIM Udaipur said it has decided to postpone its 8th Convocation which was scheduled on March 30.
The Institute said the decision was taken keeping in mind the advisory issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to avoid large gatherings. It was closely observing the situation and would finalize the new date soon.
IIM Kozhikode said it has decided to postpone the Annual Convocation scheduled to be held on April 4.
The decision was taken In view of the Covid-19 Corona Virus outbreak and the advisories received from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, World Health Organisation and the State Government to avoid large gatherings, the Institute said.
“At a time when the world is combating an unprecedented challenge of this magnitude, we at IIMK will stand by guidelines issued by the governing bodies in the national interest. As dutiful citizens, we are vigilant towards the developing situation and have also geared up internally to take on the challenge. We will be announcing the new dates for the Convocation to the students in due course of time,” IIM Kozhikode Director Prof Debashis Chatterjee said.
XLRI- Xavier School of Management has decided to postpone its 64th annual convocation scheduled on March 31 in view of the coronavirus outbreak across the globe. More than 520 students were slated to get their diplomas at the convocation.
Fr. P Christie S.J., Director, XLRI said, “We deeply regret to inform that the much-awaited Convocation 2020 stands postponed. We had to take this painful decision of postponing the Convocation following the advisory from the local authorities and the inputs from our stakeholders on the ongoing situation arising out of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
“This was the only way to avoid putting our students and their loved ones at risk posed by the growing menace of COVID-19. Even an unprecedented level of precautionary measures at our end during the program will not totally eliminate the risk it poses,” he said.
“We look forward to welcoming students and their families to the Convocation at a later date once the situation becomes normal,” he added.