INSEAD has published the employment report for its Class of 2013. The highest salary this year has risen by almost €1,00,000 while the average salary has stayed in the same territory as last year.
As per INSEAD, the placement report is based on the feedback from 1016 participants in the two classes that completed the INSEAD One Year MBA programme in July and December 2013. 915 (90%) responded to the Career Development Centre survey and 15 reported not having started their job search.
Of these 900 graduates actively looking for a job, 857 (95%) reported having received at least one job offer by March 2014, 808 (90%) gave INSEAD details of their career decision and 544 (60%) reported full salary information, on which the report is based.
Key Highlights
Recruitment in the finance sector was up to 17% from a low of 14% for the Class of 2012
Similarly, 49% of graduates joined the corporate sector, compared to 45% in 2012
Correspondingly, there was a fall in the number of graduates joining consulting firms. In 2013 consulting accounted for 34% of appointments – down from 41% the previous year
The range of starting salaries for INSEAD graduates is vast – from a low of €21,150 to a high of €298,000. Last year the highest salary gained by a INSEAD grad was €199,200.
Average Salary for grads this year is €86,600. Last year this number was €88,800
In particular, 2013 saw a strengthening of recruitment to Western Europe – rising
to 38% of the two graduating classes from 34% last year. The UK accounted
for a significant 37% of this region’s jobs, reflecting the British economy’s return to growth and the partial recovery of the
finance sector. Similarly, North America accounted for 11% of jobs, compared to 9% last year
Asia Pacific remains the second most popular region, for the first time in several years, there was a slight fall in the numbers of students joining organisations there – down to 27% from 29% in 2012. The most significant decreases were in Hong Kong and India. Singapore, as ever, remains the top destination in Asia Pacific
Around 84% of 2013 graduates switched country of work, sector or functional area while a 25% of the entire group succeeded in changing all three of these parameters. Consulting continues to be a very attractive sector for INSEAD students, despite the fall in numbers hired (from 41% of graduates in 2012 to 34% in 2013). INSEAD says much of this decrease is due to a reduction in students who are sponsored by their firms (-21%)