You will receive an email notification from ETS when your official scores are available in your ETS Account and the official score reports have been sent to your designated score recipients.
If you need a paper copy of your official Test-taker Score Report, you can use the print functionality in your account to get the copy. Your official Test-taker Score Report includes the scores of all of the GRE tests in your reportable history and is intended only for your information and personal records.
ETS sends official Graduate Institution Score Reports directly to all authorized score recipients you designate.
At the end of your test, you will be asked if you want to Report (view) or Cancel your scores. If you select Report, you will be able to view your unofficial Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores at the test center. However, you will not view your Analytical Writing score because of the essay scoring process.
About 10–15 days after your test date, your official scores will be available in your ETS Account and sent to the score recipients you designated on test day.
About five weeks after your test date, your official scores will be available in your ETS Account and will be sent to the score recipients you designated during registration. For example, if you take the test on November 9, 2019, you will be able to view the scores online on December 9. The approximate score report mailing date will be December 20, 2019.
GRE scores are valid for about five years from the end of the testing year. The GRE testing years start on July 1. Thus, if you take the test on May 15, 2019, the score remains valid until June 30, 2024.
On the expiry of this period, the scores are deleted permanently. Meanwhile, the schools are also free to lay conditions on the time frame for acceptance of GRE scores like 2-3 years.
Thus, it is always better to attempt the GRE test closer to the time you intend to put in your application for enrolling in an MBA program. Those of you who intend to appear for the GRE after a gap of five or more years also may have to brush up your verbal and quantitative skills if these did not form part of your workspace.
According to the official reports by ETS, the creators of the GRE, the average quantitative score of a GRE test taker worldwide, is 151.3, with a standard deviation of 8.7. And the average verbal score of a GRE test taker worldwide, is 150.8, with a standard deviation of 8.5.
Thus, the world average for the composite GRE score will be 151.3+150.8=302. It means that all the test takers with scores above 302 are better than half of the total GRE test takers around the world.
However, a point to remember is that MBA admission officers use GRE scores only as one of the factors in evaluating the candidate. They consider your overall profile, undergraduate scores, work experience, research work and extracurricular activities, among others.
Taking a look at the test statistics provided by the ETS over a three-year period for verbal and quantitative sections, a score range of 165-170 will be considered excellent, 155-164 very good, 150-154 good, 140-149 needs improvement and 130-139 poor.
In other words, you will be in the top 10% of all test takers if you score 163–170 in Verbal, 165-170 in Quantitative and 5.0 – 6.0 in Writing.
You will be among the top 25% of all test takers if you score 158–162 in Verbal, 159-164 in Quantitative and 4.5 in Writing.
You will be in the 50%+ category if you score 152-158 in Verbal, 153-158 in Quantitative and 4.0 in Writing. However, these scores may not be good enough while applying to highly competitive programs.
If you score 151 or below in Verbal, 152 or below in Quantitative, 3.5 or below in Writing, it will be considered below average.
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