Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina and the University of South Florida recorded 100 % employment for the 2015 MBA students within three months after graduation while Harvard Business School graduates received the highest average starting salary and bonus at $149,784, according to the 2017 Best Business Schools survey report released by U.S. News & World Report.
The survey covered 129 ranked business schools, exploring various details like tuition fees, class size, GMAT scores and the like.
Apart from two of the schools reporting full employment, 17 others, including Rutgers, University of Iowa (Tippie), Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge (Ourso), Temple University (Fox) and Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) stated 95% to 99% of graduates having found jobs. Among all ranked MBA programs, the average was 84%.
As far as salaries are concerned, with Harvard occupying the first rank, Dartmouth College (Tuck) came second with its graduates having got offers of $148,025, followed by University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) in the third spot with $146,761, Columbia University in the 4th rank with $146,436 and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) in the fifth spot with $146,201.
Almost half of the 128 ranked schools that submitted salary data to U.S. News had an average starting salary and bonus of more than $90,000 for their 2015 graduates. The average for all schools was $91,940.