We digress somewhat off topic to bring you a hilarious prank Harvard students pulled on Yale. The prank looks like an episode right out of College Humour’s Prank Wars. Harvard students bought Yale sweatshirts and then marched onto the Yale campus and then posing as tour guides took prospective Yale students and their parents on a tour.
What follows is hilarious.
The video is filled with nuggets about Yale such as “Yale is in many ways Harvard’s little, perhaps less successful sister,” “Yale students are stupider than Harvard students, Yale students are not as successful as Harvard students, Yale students are not as attractive as Harvard students,”
No idea how Yale is responding to this, but social media is all applause.
You can watch the video here. After the video, a bonus video from College Humour’s prank wars. If we were Harvard students, we would be on guard.
Harvard pranks Yale
BONUS VIDEO – Streeter pranks Amir on College Humour’s Prank wars