Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM B) launched the sixth batch of its MBA programme, the one year full time EPGP in a ceremony held on campus on April 2, 2014. Rajiv C Mody, Chairman and Managing Director of Sasken Communication Technologies delivered the keynote adress and urged the batch to move out of their comfort zone and focus on developing new skills.
The 6th batch of the One year full time MBA was welcomed to the IIM B campus in a ceremony held on campus on April 2, 2014.
“The future generation should develop accountability leadership and uphold integrity as a key driving factor of an organization,” said Rajiv C Mody, Chairman and Managing Director of Sasken Communication Technologies, at the inauguration of the sixth batch of the one year, full time residential Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore on Wednesday, April 2.
Cover photo: Professor Devanath Tirupati, Director In-charge and Dean Academic, IIMB, welcomes chief guest Rajeev Mody, Chairman and Managing Director, Sasken Communication Technologies, to the inauguration
In his key note address, Mody touched upon three key aspects – Technology, Intellectual Integrity, and Ethics and Governance. Remarking that new innovation and concepts were the way forward, he called upon new entrants to the Executive Post Graduate Programme (EPGP) to explore different domains in this one-year programme. “Move out of your comfort zone, channelize your energy on developing new skills and establish new connections,” he exhorted them. Describing ‘Command and Control’ leadership as defunct, he called for ‘Integrated and Involved’ leadership skills. A combination of a task-oriented approach and a people-oriented approach is the futuristic way, and so is the skill of questioning.
“A sense of paranoia is necessary in the practicing field to succeed; a cocoon gets you nowhere,” he declared. Fear, he said, was what drove the founding team to convert a start-up into an established organization – Sasken. Hastening to add that ‘good fear’ is a positive emotion, he cautioned his audience against succumbing to the fear of failure or what he described as ‘negative fear’.
On the subject of technology-led transformation, he dwelt on how mobile apps had changed the way we think, live and do business and urged the incoming batch of students to gear up to “inconceivable concepts and creative styles of work”.
Professor Devanath Tirupati, Director In-charge and Dean Academic, IIMB, said: “EPGP is a unique programme which brings managers with significant work experience to the IIMB campus; managers who then benefit from IIMB’s rich educational resources and equip themselves for leadership positions. The EPGP programme has evolved significantly over the last five years. The focus on emerging markets is a distinctive feature of the programme, which contributes to the students being able to confidently operate in a global environment.” He went on to offer an overview of the entrepreneurial and innovation centre, NSRCEL at IIMB, to the new batch.
Murali Manohar, who has worked in a top Consultancy firm before signing up for the Executive Post Graduate Programme this year, said: “This programme will give me ample opportunity to network, gain the right perspectives on concepts and manage my business and my clients.”
Lakshmi Rani, from an IT major, said she had chosen to join the EPGP at IIMB to explore diverse sectors and hone her management skills.
For Neha Kapoor, who worked as lead software designer at a multi-national bank, the one year, full-time programme could kick start her career in finance.
Professor G Shainesh, Chairperson, EPGP, said: “The EPGP is an incredibly demanding programme. It represents a huge investment in time, in intellectual energy and in family upheaval. The people who enter the programme are ambitious risk-takers. They are looking to challenge themselves, to add academic rigor to their existing experience, to renew themselves, not just to support career change.”
The commencement of the sixth batch of EPGP starts on a positive note with very good placement results for students of the fifth batch of EPGP, who recently graduated, with 90% of the students placed by Convocation Day (March 27). The positions offered and the compensation levels were strong with some students achieving compensation packages benchmarked to international levels, proving that the challenging and globally-oriented programme equips students to take up responsible positions at senior management levels.
Earlier in the day, Professor M Jayadev, Chairperson, Admissions & Financial Aid, IIM Bangalore, welcomed the students to the programme and provided a brief profile of the new batch:
Class profile – One year MBA (EPGP) Class of 2015
I completed B.E in Electical and Electonics Engineering. I wish to study 1 year MBA. I need to know what is the procedure and qualification to joun in IIM banglore.
HI Mohamded, check this link for all information on joining IIM B’s one year MBA: http://www.oneyearmba.co.in/one-year-mba-iim-bangalore-executive-post-graduate-programme-in-management-epgp/
I had Completed MY BCA in 2011 and got place in Capus selection now i am working in IT from past 3.7 years , and i want to Increse my Educationla Experence can you give me the Good suggestion
I have completed 5 years of experience in a Public Sector Manufacturing company. I’m planning to study MBA. However, i cannot leave my job . Kindly suggest me good college from where i can do MBA in Finance/Strategic Management.
Thank you.
Hi Naina,
A number of distance education possibilities exist in the market. But which one you go for depends on your aims. Is it knowledge which you can utilize to rise in your career or are you looking for a direct career boost through placements? We ask because distance learning is good for the former, not so much for the latter, where a full time one year course will serve you better. If knowledge is what you are looking for check out edX – open courses are available which provide you free courses at your own pace. University of Illinois has infact recently offered its entire MBA cirriculam online for free.
I have 8+ yrs of experience and I am a BE Graduate. I am planning to pursue 1 yr Executive MBA (Operations management) but can take up only distance learning. can you suggest good MBA Institute ?
Dear Sir,
I have done my MBA in 2014, but i didnt get better job, right now iam woking in BPO Company,
If in Case i joined in one year course i can’t effort to pay college fee, in that case will u find me any other option.
Dear Ram, many B-Schools, ISB for instance in India, offer scholarships to deserving candidates. This could be one option.
I am willing to get some information on this 1 year program. I have 65.6% in 10 std and 76.8% in 12 std, engineering i have 86.4%. Could you please tell me if i get a good score in Gmat will i be able to get admission in IIM-B. TIA
School and college scores are just one piece of the puzzle in the holistic admissions process of the One Year MBA. Your profile, work experience, gmat and other interests will together determine your chances of making it to IIM B. 12th scores are more relevant and they seem ok coupled with a good GMAT score.
My husband is planning to the EPGP programme this year. He has 670 gmat score, and an experience of about 8 years (4 years Job as senior software developer and 4 years as an entrepreneur running his own business) What are the likely chances of him getting into this course
I am a BSc graduate with average marks in 10th, 12th and my bachelor’s degree. I have been working in the IT Services Industry since 2003. I have realized (though late) that careers come to a halt after a certain point without a proper core skill. I am looking for guidance on possibilities of acquiring a post graduate degree (Executive), which can probably give me a flexibility of attending classes after work. My goal is to use the PG degree as a career booster and an avenue opener for my stalled career. My idea is not to just gain another PG degree to add to my CV. It is essentially to assist me understand higher management roles and to help me step up. I am at a juncture in my career where leaving the job in hand is not wise. Please advise.
I want to join an executive MBA program from IIM. Please update me with the details for 2015 admission.
I am a BBM graduate with just 50% overall and having 7 years of experience in the field of client servicing, business development & Marketing from Bangalore. Wanted to check what is the process to do executive MBA and how about the benefit of doing it.
well i m working from last 18 months , planning to do PGDM or 1 year exexcutive mba, interested from IIM
can u let me know the details for same
I want to do Executive MBA, could you please tell me the eligibility criteria for the same.
Hi …i had done b.tech in marine engg passed out in may 2012..
I left that field & Currently i am working as an assistant in the reserve bank of india..
I wanted to boost my career by doing mba from IIM.
What mba will u suggest for me… E-MBA or full time waala???
Hi Admin,
I am having 6.2 years of experience in IT services industry. I am looking for XLRI 1 yr MBA – General Management course since I have one of my friends who is recently done with the course and would help in guiding me through. However, I am bit worried about about how my grades would impact my chances of being shortlisted. I have 83% in 10th, 72% in 12th and 69.5% in Graduation and no international work experience. Do you think any professional certifications or fellowship programmes would boost my chances of selection? Could you please let me know the ideal scores in GMAT/XAT that I should score to increase my chances of being shortlisting.
I do realize I have bad grades during school/college but now I really want to do something to raise the bar and I believe an MBA degree from a premier B School like XLRI would really help me achieve that. I am ready to go any distance to be in that position. Please share your suggestions at the earliest.
Thanks man…