By Shikhar Mohan
The one-year MBA is redefining management education in India. The course, which recruits candidates with substantial work experience (5+ years of work experience at most B-schools and 3+ at others), is the first MBA in India to have been awarded MBA accreditation by the global accreditation body Association of MBAs, UK. In a chat with the Chairperson of the one-year MBA (Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management) at IIM Indore Prof. Jayasimha K R, we find out details of the placements at the B-school for the Class of 2014.
While most people in India are waiting for ‘ache din’, news coming out of IIM Indore seems to suggest they are already here for IIM I One year MBA graduates: placements for the One Year MBA batch seem be on an upswing. Could you share more details with our readers?
Well for one, the manufacturing sector is warming up. This year, some of the best jobs have been offered in this sector. The highest salary (domestic) for the 2014 batch, which is 48L, is from this sector. However, IT hiring is still cautious.
One of the largest retailers in Canada has hired from this batch. However international placements are still in its infancy.
Also, I would like to share that our placement strategy has evolved this year. In previous years, we have had situations where 20% of the batch or even more were recruited by a single recruiter. This to me is a PGP syndrome. Given that One Year MBA (EPGP) participants come with considerable work experience and aspire for unique roles, one large recruiter hiring in bulk may not be good. A broad based approach has resulted in reduced reliance on large recruiters.
48 lakh is an excellent salary right out of the institute. Is this the highest ever domestic salary offered at IIM Indore?
IIM I follows a rolling placement model for the One Year MBA. Could you tell our readers more about this?
At IIM I, we don’t have the concept of a placement week for EPGP. It is rolling placements with a longer cycle. Lateral placements are a very different ball game. Both the candidate as well as the recruiter tend to very choosy. Therefore the placement cycle tends to be longer.
IIM I follows a September-June academic cycle. In the past, EPGP students have raised concerns about this cycle being out of sync with the hiring season at Indian companies which usually ends by March. Is IIM I addressing this issue?
The One Year MBA at IIM Indore follows a unique cycle. Unlike the June-March cycle that other IIM’s have, we follow the September-June cycle. This helps us synchronize our terms with our partner institute, McCombs School of Business, UT Austin. For IIM I, the international immersion is a serious academic activity where the participants spend an entire term (6 weeks) at the partner institute.
In our experience, placements particularly lateral placements is a round the year activity. Therefore, September-June cycle has no impact on the placements.
Many students joining One Year MBAs in India do so after taking a sabbatical from their organisations. Is that the case at IIM I too? Are these students obliged to re-join the organisations they come from on graduation or do they get an equal opportunity to sit for placements?
I think in any give batch, between 20% to 30% of the participants would have come on a sabbatical. We value them. Some of them do participate in the placement process. A lot of them re-join the organisation from where they came from. As a policy we do not impose any restrictions on them.
The author is Founder & CMO of Oneyearmba.co.in, the world’s leading resource for news, analysis and guidance on one-year MBA programmes
Hi Guys,
Sorry for being blunt, but no point writing an articles only on the highest salary of an institute, also institute should give complete picture or nothing.
Hi caterpillar,
Thank you for the feedback. The story provides a glimpse of the placements at IIM I among the many other aspects it covers. The story is not a report on placements at IIM I which is something we should be able to bring to you when the institute publishes the complete report – the article we publish then should have more data such as average salary and companies hiring IIM I students.
Thanks for prompt response, but IIMI has not communicated on epgp placements in last few years, and now when it has I see only highest salary… I think its gives a shallow picture to potential applicant and increases expectations disproportatinly which can only do harm to the community and reduce faith in the system in the longer but I know its India yahan yahi bikata most of the people will click only to check such headlines rather than to understand if the institute is a good fit for them or not.
Hi Caterpillar, IIM I has shared placement details in the past starting from the second batch. Check this page for IIM I placement reports which have average salary data for Class of 2011 (second batch) & Class of 2012 (third batch): http://www.oneyearmba.co.in/one-year-mba-iim-indore-executive-post-graduate-programme-in-management-epgp/
Your feedback is well taken. A lot goes into selecting the right B-school and salary data is only one piece of the puzzle. We encourage our readers to see it as one indicator of quality and base their decision to apply/ join a B-school after considering all factors some of which are quality of faculty, pace of learning, emphasis on all round development etc.
Thanks for emphasizing on these often overlooked aspects.
Hi Admin,
Any luck on placement data for IIMI epgp.. also on IIMC. It would be helpful if you could share more information on these two schools as information on their program is not shared well on the web. I want to understand these programs well from schools, students and alumni alike.
Also is there any change in the way the schools themselves are perceiving these programs to be.. like why cant they buid it on Kellogs Model.
Hi caterpillar,
not as yet. IIM I updates can be expected earliest after september end – mid october. What other info on IIM C and IIM I can we help you with – any specific aspects? Also, do share a bit more about what you have in mind when you say the Kellog model?
What are the salary figures for both PGP and EPGP batches for this year. Hope the data is available by now…
Check http://www.oneyearmba.co.in/rs-48-lakh-highest-rs-18-64-lakh-average-salary-for-iim-indore-one-year-mba-class-of-2014-placements-report-executive-mba/ for final placement numbers for IIM I’s One Year MBA (EPGP). IIM I two-year PGP’s average salary in 2014 was 12.31 lakh. Average for EPGP was 18.64 lakh.
I am 37 years of age with 14 yrs experience,..currently working in a MNC,..but before that worked in government f0r 9 years,..will one year mba will benefit me,..will I be able to get good placements,..are there any people like me,..thanks