While many have laughed at the recent ad by IDEA on Indian TV that showed a youngster finding success through learning gained on his cellphone – Rakesh Singh, a student from Rohtak who used his cellphone for a technology project is having the last laugh – an e-commerce firm has offered him a tech role in their supply chain vertical at a Rs 1 Crore domestic salary.
Rakesh who was inspired by the IDEA ad that showed a boy working in a bakery develop a flying robot loved the idea of solving delivery issues faced by his family business through robots. But he soon saw the limitations of the robot shown in the IDEA ad in addressing the challenge he faced everyday.
Rakesh’s father doesn’t own a bakery but instead an animal farm with over a 200 cows on their farm. The family milks cows everyday at a basic facility some distance away from the farm.
So if his dad looked at him scornfully and said “Gai aa gayi kya?” (Has the cow come?) and then followed it up with “Kya gai urd ke aayegi” (Will the cow fly and come?) it wouldn’t have worked out well for Rakesh if a robot with eggs would have flown in.
That’s when Rakesh decided to develop a Cow Copter. It doesn’t talk yet but the cow moos during flight which has been successful in producing a glow of pride on his father’s face almost 98% as bright as the one we saw on the face of the dad in the IDEA ad.
Now aMOOzon.com has decided to hire rakesh to build them an entire army of flying cow copters – given that almost 50% of India is still living in villages and depends on agriculture, aMOOzon sees home delivery of cows as a major opportunity.
How Rakesh went about building the Cow Copter is a story of extreme courage and hardwork. His father could well afford electricity and the village gets power 24×7 but just to prove a point Rakesh studied on a backlit phone screen under a streetlight. Oh the misery.
Rakesh started his study by researching all the latest technologies on his phone such as quantum cow dynamics and techniques on how to make the cows aerodynamic during flight – because while eggs have very little aero resistance, cows have a significantly higher drag coefficient.
He started by studying old soviet research that preceded the launch of sputnik – many Russian scientists had then favoured sending a cow into space instead of a dog. The vehicle they had in mind informed many of the design decisions rakesh took.
Rakesh also felt that he must learn management skills to make sure the cows behave in flight and read about theories such as Group think, Porters Five forces, and BCG matrix – but he soon realised this was bigger bull than the one he was hoping to get airborne and decided to take a break with a Bieber song.
Now Rakesh is a happy man with a happy dad and happy flying cows – all thanks to IIN. When asked what’s the one message he can give to our readers that can inspire them he said “IIN is an excellent tool and can help anyone pick up any lesson he wants anytime, anywhere. Infact the download speeds are so good, sometimes you get the lesson long before its due. These lessons often come with a free attachment which when opened say April Fools day!”
– Shikhar Mohan, Founder, OneYearMBA.co.in
hilarious!! The IIN ads have been bugging me for a very long time.
amoozon.com? Are you serious? Nothing like this exist. Are you serious about your blog when you write bogus articles such as this.
We are serious about the blog, not so serious about this particular post though 🙂 This was an April 1 prank.