So you have decided to go in for an MBA and started preparations for filling up the application forms. However, you are at a loss regarding certain aspects like projecting your qualities and qualifications in a positive manner, in identifying your strengths and weaknesses and even on deciding which school and program suits you best.
It is at this juncture that the Admission Consultant steps in, offering personalised service, for a fee. Usually, such consultancies are run by people who are familiar with the admission process. They may have served as members in the admission committee or some may even be the alumni.
However, before hiring an admission consultant, you should do a market survey. A google search would throw up hundreds of results. The short-listing can be done by asking people as well as seeking reviews on the various consultancies on the internet. Check out on their experience in this profession.
The next point is affordability. Depending on the type of service or package you choose, some might only cost a couple of hundred dollars while the largest packages could go upwards of US$5,000.
Thus, it would be a good idea to pin point what exactly you want from the consultant. Is it some help with the admission essay since your writing skills have so far been limited to short emails or composing minutes of a meeting. Or that you have no idea how to project yourself despite possessing the relevant skills and qualifications.
Consultants could help you with technical aspects such as the essay and CV, conduct mock interviews and provide tips on the best way to present yourself in front of a business school’s admissions team.
You should also check out on facilities on offer like unlimited calls, any number of reviews and 24X7 support. The consultant should be one with professional ethics. Also do not be entirely dependent on him or her for drafting the essays. An admission committee could easily make out similar looking or professionally penned work.
For instance, your intervention during a crisis at the workplace at the right time saved the day. You are unsure of putting it down in paper for fear of appearing to be too boastful. In yet another instance, you are unable to pinpoint your weak spots or explain how you have been making efforts to improve yourselves in this aspect. A consultant would be in a position to analyse and come up with the best solution.
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Next comes the point of how to make yourselves stand out among a crowd of applicants with similar qualifications. Here again, an admission consultant would be able to help you project the qualities that sets you apart. For instance, by highlighting the efforts you put in to save the company you were working with from a crisis.
Yet another factor to consider is whether you have enough time before the application deadlines. The consultant would need time for a proper analysis of all aspects of your application and may suggest several changes to be incorporated. It would be a good idea to hire a consultant at least six months before beginning the application process.
Of course, it is not absolutely necessary to hire a consultant. A majority of applicants are able to get admission without having to depend on them by spending time on researching the specific requirements of the b-schools they are targeting, developing the qualifications and qualities required by consulting current students, alumni and faculty members.