Students say Made in India MBAs must meet global standards – MBA status should be bestowed on One Year MBAs and MBM status on two-year PGP courses, in line with the global accreditation awarded to these courses.
Modi’s tiger has roared. IIM alumni and students, more than 400 of them, have spoken out unanimously like never before on a critical issue of management education.
Students from leading IIMs, such as IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Indore and IIM Lucknow, have signed OneYearMBA.co.in’s petition to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Minister for Human Resource Development Smriti Irani asking for changes in the upcoming IIM Bill to ensure that the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree at IIMs is awarded to One Year MBA courses and Masters in Business Management (MBM) degree is awarded to two-year PGP programmes, in sync with the global accreditation awarded to these courses by Association of MBAs (AMBA). AMBA is one of the top 3 global business education accreditation bodies and the only one that accredits courses instead of B-Schools – other bodies such as EQUIS and AACSB certify the overall quality of an institute.
AMBA has been accrediting courses run by IIMs and has so far conferred the MBA status only on the one-year MBA of IIM Calcutta and IIM Lucknow. But IIMs are not communicating this loud and clear to all and sundry.
435 students have signed the petition as of date. These students are asking the government and educational authorities to take a clear stand and ensure that Made in India MBAs meet global standards. Globally, an MBA is a post-experience degree. AMBA stipulates that only students with three years or more of work experience can pursue it and that an MBA class, taken as a whole, must have a minimum average work experience of 5 years.
This stipulation is meant to ensure that an MBA course delivers on its stated goal of preparing mid-career professionals for leadership roles. Students with substantial work experience can connect lessons taught in class with their past corporate experience and learn extensively from their peers, who all bring years of knowledge to class. This ensures that MBA graduates step out of B-School as mature individuals ready to tackle leadership roles.
Only One Year MBA courses at IIMs that stipulate a minimum of 5 years of work experience as an eligibility requirement meet and exceed global norms for an MBA course and are consequently accredited as Full Time MBAs by AMBA.
While the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), an Indian regulatory body, awards ‘MBA equivalent’ status to two-year PGP courses offered by IIMs, AMBA, accredits these very same courses as pre-experience Masters in Business Management (MBM) worldwide.
AMBA’s accreditation standards are clear: an MBA course must admit students with 3+ years of work experience while an MBM can admit candidates with 0-3 years work experience. So students with less than 3 years of work experience are eligible to pursue an MBM, not an MBA. Since the two-year PGP courses at IIMs largely recruit freshers (most admits have less than a year of work experience and many have zero work experience), these courses are accredited by AMBA as MBMs.
Links to the official accreditation page of AMBA show that IIM C’s One Year MBA (called PGPEX) has been accredited as a full time MBA while its PGP course has been accredited as an MBM. Similarly while IIM Lucknow’s One Year MBA (called IPMX) has been accredited as a full time MBA, its PGP course has been accredited as an MBM.
The IIM Bill, which is set to be tabled in the Indian Parliament, ignores these facts and will empower IIMs to grant MBA degrees to graduates of the two-year PGP course (as against the MBA equivalent diplomas that they currently grant under the aegis of AIU).There is simply no talk about conferring the MBA degree on the One Year MBA, the real contender for this degree!
“Giving importance to local accreditation (by AIU) based on sub-par standards over global accreditation (by AMBA) for institutes of national importance is a retrogressive step and jeopardizes IIMs’ aspiration of becoming global leaders in management education,” says the petition.
“IIMs have sought AMBA accreditation to establish global credence and have proudly proclaimed that winning AMBA accreditation testifies that their MBA course meets global standards. IIM Calcutta proudly announced the winning of AMBA’s MBA accreditation for its One Year MBA (PGPEX) and MBM Accreditation for its two-year PGP course in the media. ‘We are indeed happy to receive this recognition. It reaffirms our commitment to academic excellence, and marks a significant step towards our journey to be regarded as a global leader in management education,’ Saibal Chattopadhyay, director of IIM Calcutta, had said on winning the accreditation,” adds the petition.
“Similarly, IIM Lucknow announced its win of AMBA accreditation with gusto. ‘It took us almost one year to get AMBA accreditation,’ said Sanjay K. Singh, a professor at IIM-Lucknow, adding,’As Indian education opens up, foreign institutes will come home and domestic institutes will go abroad. Here, international accreditation helps. It improves your brand image for sure.’
If the IIMs now award an MBA for a course that does not meet international criteria for being called one, they will be compromising their credibility,” continues the petition.
The petition points out that awarding MBA status to the two-year PGP course will have multiple negative ramifications:
Complete text of petition and live status of signatures collected are available at: bit.ly/amendiimbill
Besides global accreditation, IIM’s One Year MBA leads the two-year PGP on all parameters and is the sole and rightful recipient of MBA status:
The petition has been submitted through the Modi government’s MyGov.In platform, where the draft IIM bill has been put for the public consultation process. Besides, physical copies of the petition are being sent to the Prime Minister and the HRD Minister. Read the petition at: bit.ly/amendiimbill