Solving CAT question papers is necessary while preparing for CAT. Solving the previous years’ CAT question papers and sample papers will help you get acquainted with the exam pattern, marking scheme and the types of questions asked. Now that CAT is an online exam, the actual CAT question papers are not released by the exam authorities. However, a few of the question papers of previous years are available. You can download the CAT question papers of 2017, 2018 and 2019 from the links highlighted below.
You can also practice from the sample papers and mock test series launched by various MBA coaching institutes like TIME, Career Launcher, IMS, MBAGuru and others.
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Solving the question papers of the previous years will help in improving your problem-solving skills within the time limits prescribed. These sample papers will also give you an insight into the type of questions asked from each section – Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC). The greatest benefit of solving CAT sample papers is that it prepares you for all kinds of questions – tough, easy, lengthy, tricky or even surprise questions.
CAT toppers and CAT mentors recommend solving at least 30-40 mock tests during CAT preparation. Many toppers attempt almost 80 such tests to prepare for the exam. The following are some of the main benefits of solving the previous year papers/sample papers/mock tests.
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Start solving the CAT question papers or sample papers only after you finish the CAT syllabus. Unless you finish the syllabus you will not be able to solve the questions asked in the sample papers. Start with the syllabus, learn all the formulas and theorems well and then move on to attempting the sample papers.
The ideal time to start solving them is three months before the exam. CAT 2020 will be held on November 24, 2020, so you must start taking your mocks at least by September. Also, remember to solve last year’s CAT question paper to get an idea of the latest question paper pattern.
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A: Solving CAT question papers will help the candidates get an overview of the exam pattern and the types of questions asked. It is also helpful in gaining an idea of the question-wise weightage allotted to topics and their difficulty level.
A: Yes, there is a slight variation in the questions of each slot to prevent questions from being leaked or copied before the start of the next slot. As the questions in each of the slots are different, the difficulty level is also different.
A: Either of the question papers can be more difficult than the other. There is no certain pattern to this as each year a different IIM conducts the exam and a different team sets the question papers.
A: There will be about 28 non-MCQs in CAT 2020 question paper, spread across all three sections.
A: The sequence of CAT question paper is – Section 1: VARC, Section 2: DILR, Section 3: QA.
A: Each section is allotted 60 minutes. For PWD candidates the sectional time-limit is 80 minutes for every section.
A: The medium instruction of the CAT question paper is English.
A: As the CAT exam is an online examination, the question paper cannot be downloaded.
A: Most of the candidates find VARC section lengthy as it includes tough RC passages.
A: No, the CAT question paper is to be answered in the given sequence only. There is no option to change the order of the sections.