List of shortlisted candidates for IIFT admission 2020-2022 has been released. For the second round of selection i.e. for the essay writing, group discussion and personal interview round, the IIFT admission team has shortlisted a total of 2803 candidates. These candidates have got the minimum cut off minimum marks as mentioned below:
IIFT has released the sectional and overall (above) cut-offs for 2020 admission. Given below is the table indicating category-wise IIFT 2020 cut-offs:
Section | Total Marks | Marks Cut-off marks for General, General – EWS, and OBC – NCL | Cut-off marks for SC, ST and PwD |
General Awareness | 30 | 5 | 4.5 |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension | 105 | 34 | 28 |
Logical reasoning (LR) & Data Interpretation (DI) | 90 | 22 | 20 |
Quantitative Aptitude (QA | 75 | 15 | 12 |
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Candidates will have to participate in essay writing, group discussion and personal interview round likely to be held in January – February.
The result for the IIFT 2020 exam was announced on December 13, 2019 at 8 PM after release of the answer key, although it was scheduled to be declared on December 11 at 5:00 PM. You can log on to the official website of IIFT-NTA using your application number and password to check the result.
IIFT exam was conducted in online mode across 41 cities by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on December 1, 2019. approximately 35,000 candidates sat for the exam this year.
The cut off is expected to be 105-108 since the difficulty level of the question paper was easy.
The IIFT 2020 result will showcase the candidate’s name, his/her overall percentile, section-wise marks, total marks, sectional cut off roll number, date of birth. After declaring the exam result, IIFT will soon thereafter also release category-wise cut offs for the essay writing, group discussion and personal interview round. The final result of IIFT will be released in April after the essay writing, group discussion and personal interview round.
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IIFT 2020 result will be available on the official website of the institute and the NTA. The candidates can download their result-cum-scorecards by following the steps mentioned below:
Details Printed on IIFT 2020 result cum scorecard
IIFT scorecard will contain the following information:
Also read:
IIFT To calculate your final score, you need to add marks scored in each section of the IIFT question paper. The sections on which the candidates will be evaluated are:
The marking scheme of each section of the IIFT exam is given below The total marks is calculated on the basis of the below-mentioned IIFT marking scheme.
Sections | Marks Allotted Per Question | Negative Marks Per Question |
Quantitative Analysis | 3 | -1 |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension | 3 | -1 |
Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation | 3 | -1 |
General Knowledge | 1 | -0.5 |
IIFT cut off will be announced after the declaration of IIFT 2020 results. The below mentioned previous years cut offs are of IIFT Delhi campus for reference. Also Read: IIFT Cut Offs 2020
Category | IIFT cut off 2018 | IIFT cut off 2017 |
General | 48.5 | 35.5 |
OBC | 43.5 | 30.5 |
SC | 38.5 | 20.0 |
ST | 27.2 | 22.7 |
PH | 28.9 | 23.7 |
After the declaration of IIFT 2020 result, the institute will release a merit list of candidates shortlisted for admission to MBA-International Business program. The candidates named in the aforementioned merit list who will be invited for the second round of IIFT admission, i.e. essay writing, group discussion and personal interview. To participate in this round, the candidates will have to fill out an online form in which the candidates will have to give certain personal and also their personal work details.
IIFT will conduct Group Discussion, Writing Skills Assessment and Personal Interview round in January / February 2020 at Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow. The selected candidates will be sent an email regarding the schedule for the second round.
IIFT accepts foreign/NRI/PIO candidates for admission on the basis of GMAT score. Candidates belonging to this category can apply for IIFT admission till March 31, 2020.
There is no counseling for IIFT admission. The institute conducts a personality assessment test of the candidates who qualify and attain the IIFT cut off marks for admission. This personality assessment test includes essay writing, group discussion and personal interview.
Once this round is over, the institute evaluates each candidate who took the IIFT exam and participated in essay writing, GD and PI on the basis of several parameters. Some of the key parameters on which a candidate is evaluated are listed below:
IIFT Essay Writing
In the IIFT essay writing test, candidates are given 20 minute in which time they have to write a short essay on a topic given by the Institute. The topic for the essay can vary from business & economics to politics & society. Candidates are divided in groups of eight. Each group is given one essay topic, 5 minutes to think and 15 minutes to write the essay.
IIFT Group Discussion
The Group discussion round typically ranges between 30-40 minutes during which the group of candidates are given a topic to discuss. In the first round, each candidate is allowed to speak on the topic for one minute. After that, each candidate can participate in the group discussion. In this test candidates are assessed for their leadership qualities, communication skills and ability to convince others.
IIFT Personal Interview
The personal interview round of IIFT admission is the most important test. According to IIFT alumnus, the questions in the personal interview are mostly related to the candidate’s work experience, hobbies and academic history. One example of a question that can be asked in the personal interview is “tell us about yourself and why did you leave engineering field”. Personal interview is conducted to assess the candidate’s communication abilities and analytical & problem solving skills.
Below table indicates number of seats available for MBA-IB in IIFT’s all three campuses.
IIFT Campus | MBA Seats |
IIFT Delhi Campus | 220 seats |
IIFT Kolkata Campus | 140 seats |
IIFT Kakinada Campus | 60 seats |
Also read:
A: The result was announced on December 13.
A: The IIFT cut off percentile will be declared along with the exam result.
A: No, IIFT 2020 exam score will be valid one year only.
A: No, you will not be eligible for admission to IIFT if you do not clear the minimum cut-off fixed for that year.
A: After the declaration of IIFT 2020 result and shortlist, the candidates will be called for essay writing, group discussion and personal interview. Selection for this round will be on the basis of minimum cut off fixed by the institute. Final selection will be based on the scores obtained in IIFT exam, essay writing and performance in GD and PI.
A: Yes, a list of candidates selected for essay writing, group discussion and personal interview will be released, too.
A: The candidates can download their IIFT scorecard from the official NTA-IIFT website by using their application number and password. The result will also be available on the official website of IIFT, Delhi for download.
A: Yes, the result cum scorecard will be issued to all IIFT candidates, irrespective of their performance.
A: The IIFT result download link will remain open for one year. Post that, the candidates will not be able to download their result.
A: Yes, the IIFT result cum scorecard will include sectional scores.