The MAT exam is held four times a year and is not that tough when compared to other exams like CAT, XAT or IIFT. The syllabus and pattern for MAT exam are quite different from other MBA entrance exams, therefore it is imperative to invest a good amount of time in preparations. Since, the MAT exam is open to anyone, including graduates straight out of college, the preparation strategy should be planned accordingly. It is important to gain a thorough understanding of the MAT exam pattern, MAT syllabus, recommended study material, etc. before you start your preparations. In this article, we will discuss the preparation tips for MAT exam including section-wise prep tips, 6-months preparation strategy, 3-months preparation strategy as well as last-minute tips and tricks for the MAT exam.
To get a good score in the MAT 2020 exam, the candidate should focus on scoring well in each section, as the overall score is based on the scores from each section. Here’s how you can prepare for each section:
In this section, it is important to understand the syllabus and the commonly asked questions. As this language comprehension section is the easiest section, most students make the mistake of not preparing well. This section comes first and if you are well prepared, you can finish the entire section within a few minutes, thus enabling you to save time and focus on the tougher sections.
Total questions: 40 MCQs
Suggested time: 25-30 minutes
Some of the tips to prepare for this section are:
Reading Skills: Work on your reading speed since these passage-based questions are simple but take a considerable amount of time. Therefore, with a good amount of practice, you will be able to find the correct answers in no time. Read plenty of books, newspapers and magazines to improve your speed.
English Grammar– A good command on English grammar is necessary to score well. Hence, pay attention to topics like grammar, vocabulary, clauses, idioms, verbs, voices – AV/PV, sentences and punctuation.
Speed and Time: Focus on your solving speed as well by practising from sample papers and mock tests.
This section is based on numerical and quantitative topics. This section is relatively simple for students who have studied this subject in Class 12th as well as graduate level but could be slightly difficult for the others. However, this doesn’t eliminate the need for practice.
Total Questions – 40 MCQs
Suggested Time – 40 minutes
Below are some tips to prepare for this section:
Fundamentals and Theorems: Even if you haven’t studied mathematics at a higher level, you can score well in this section as the questions are based on fundamentals, theorems and formulae used in Mathematics. Therefore, write down all the formulas, revise them periodically and solve plenty of questions.
Calculation: Improve your mental math skills in order to be quick with your calculations in this section. Questions from topics like Profit& Loss, Mean, Median, Number System, Mensuration, Time, Distance, Speed and Percentages can be solved easily with a good amount of practice.
Weak areas: If you find topics like Vectors, Differential Equation, Trigonometry, AP/GP, Algebra etc. to be tough and rather risky to attempt, work on trying to understand these topics at least three months before the exam. Leaving questions from these tough topics wouldn’t affect your scores but if practised early on, your chances of scoring well definitely much higher.
This section of MAT paper contains analytical questions based on data interpretation, calculations and statements. The data is represented in the form of tables, graphs and charts. This section is quite a time consuming even for candidates who have prepared well for this section.
Total Questions: 40 MCQs
Suggested Time: 35 minutes
Understanding of Charts, Graphs and Tables: You need to possess a basic understanding of data representation for this section. The questions represented in the form of tables, pie charts, graphs can seem confusing and you may end up taking more than required to calculate the answers.
Interpretation and Analytics: Take time to analyse the data, interpret it and then attempt the questions. Read the questions well to understand the data given and do not assume any answer unless the question states so. If you are taking a long time to solve them, mark it and come back after you finish the other sections.
The section is based on logical and critical reasoning. Important topics include blood relations, statement and conclusion, matching statements, analogies, series and assertion and reason. As these are questions based on reasoning, the answer selected should logically justify the question asked. Though blood relations, statements and conclusions and match-based questions seem simple, a fair amount of practice is needed as they can be quite tricky.
Total Questions: 40 MCQs
Suggested Time: 30 minutes
Tips to solve Intelligence and Critical Reasoning Section:
Fact, logic and opinion – Candidates should carefully scrutinise the questions and solve them using logic, reasoning and intellect. Also, build simple shortcuts to solve questions quickly, for example – Identifying Blood Relations should be made into a simple group as given below:
Categorise each relation mentioned in the question into these two groups to arrive at the correct answer.
Critical thinking: Do not assume the answer, instead carefully analyse the question, conclusion and contradictory statements. Also, remember to solve these questions as quickly as you can or else you would run out of time for the other questions. Practice plenty of such questions to develop your speed.
This section hardly takes much time as it doesn’t involve any calculations or formulas. This section tests the general awareness with pretty much straightforward questions on topics from:
Total Questions: 40 MCQs
Suggested Time: 15 minutes
Candidates who are up to date with the important topics related to this section will not take much time to answer the questions. To prepare for this section of MAT paper, candidates should:
Candidates preparing for MAT 2020 exam should refer the following books for each section:
Section | Best books for MAT Prep |
Verbal Ability | -Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT/XAT/GMAT/IIFT/CMAT/MAT/Bank PO/SSC by Bharat Patodi and Aditya Chowdhary -Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension by Gautam Puri |
Data Analysis and Sufficiency | -Data Analysis & Sufficiency by Arun Sharma -Accredited Guide to Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Ananta Ashisha |
Intelligence and Critical Reasoning | -Analytical & Logical Reasoning For CAT & Other Management Entrance Tests by Peeyush Bhardwaj -Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha |
Mathematical Skills | -Speed Mathematics: Do it Quick, Do it Right by Rajesh Kumar Thakur -Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R S Aggarwal |
Indian and Global Environment | -The Mega Yearbook: Current Affairs & General Knowledge For Competitive Exams by Disha Experts |
Also read: Best Books for MAT Preparation 2020
According to experts, even if you are starting from scratch, six months of preparation is more than enough in getting a good score. To prepare for MAT in six months, here are some important tips to follow:
Also read: Tips to Prepare for MAT Exam in last 3 Months
Candidates get three months to prepare for the MAT exam as each session is three months apart. Here’s how you can prepare for the exam in three months:.
Few things to keep in mind while preparing in three months:
A: The best way to prepare for MAT 2020 is to first understand the MAT Syllabus and the topics enlisted here. Practice from mock tests and sample test papers and prepare from the best study materials.
A: Yes. For every correct answer, one mark is added and for every incorrect attempt, 0.25 marks are deducted.
A: Among the many advantages, mock tests help in developing your speed and accuracy. You will also be able to track your progress using these tests.
A: The MAT syllabus consists of five sections namely- language comprehension, intelligence and critical reasoning, data analysis and sufficiency, mathematical skills, Indian and global environment.
A: All the sections carry an equal weightage, of 40 marks each. The total marks in MAT exam are 200.
A: Though the difficulty level is moderate, most students find the data analysis and sufficiency and the language comprehension section to be a little tougher than the others.
A: As the time is short, focus on strengthening your fundamentals, refer to the best guide books, practice mock tests and MAT sample question papers and make notes on important topics and revise them frequently.
A: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 2016 by Gautam Puri, How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for MAT by Arun Sharma, Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit Sinha are a few of the books.
A: No. When compared to exams like CAT, XAT, SNAP etc. MAT is relatively easier. It is easier to score in MAT provided you are strong in your fundamentals and have had plenty of practice in Mock tests and sample question papers.
A: Prepare a time-based schedule and strictly adhere to the time limits.
A: The best way to improve your speed and accuracy level for MAT exam is by ensuring that you practice well, using sample tests and mock papers.
A: A total of 40 questions are allotted to the intelligence and Critical Reasoning section of MAT exam
A: A book by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay, titled “How to prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT” is a good study material to refer to for the Language Comprehension section of MAT 2020 exam.
A: There is no sectional time in MAT exam. However, it is recommended to allot about 35 minutes to solve all the questions from this section.
A: Yes, when compared to the other sections, this section is quite long. The questions in this section will either be individual questions or as a set.
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