NMAT Examination Pattern 2020

The NMAT Exam Pattern is designed by GMAC, the exam conducting authority that conducts the exam for MBA admissions. The NMAT exam is an online exam held for 75 days and the candidate is free to select a date and time as per their choice. This article deals with the NMAT exam pattern and marking scheme. Also, read about the NMAT syllabus and exam preparation tips.

NMAT Exam Pattern Highlights

NMAT Exam FeaturesPattern Details
Number of sections(1) Language Skills
(2) Quantitative Skills
(3) Logical Reasoning
Exam ModeOnline
Medium of the examEnglish
Exam duration120 Minutes
Total number of questions120
Type of questionsMCQs
Total marks360

NMAT Exam Pattern—Sectional Weightage

SectionQuestionsTime(in minutes)
Language Skills3222
Quantitative Skills4860
Logical Reasoning4038

NMAT Sectional Marks Distribution

Language Skills3296
Quantitative Skills48144
Logical Reasoning40120

NMAT Marking Scheme

  • 3 marks are allotted for each objective type question
  • No negative marking for incorrect answers
  • No marks are deducted for questions left unanswered

Once the candidate leaves a particular section, all the answers are final as they cannot go back to the section.

Also read: NMAT 2019 Cut Offs

Important Features of NMAT 2020 Exam Pattern

  1. Three Attempts: The exam can be attempted a maximum of three times – one attempt and two reattempts
  2. Slot Booking / Exam Scheduling: Date, time and location of the exam can be selected as per convenience.
  3. Choosing the section order: Any order can be followed to answer the NMAT question paper You can first attempt the LR section followed by VA and LR.
  4. Reviewing: At the end of each section the questions within it can be reviewed.

NMAT by GMAC Syllabus: Overview

NMAT sectionsTopics
Language SkillsThis section includes reading comprehension, English grammar, word meaning and verbal ability
Quantitative SkillsThis section includes trigonometry, geometry, algebra, mensuration and modern maths
Logical ReasoningThis section includes logical reasoning topics like  coding-decoding, critical reasoning, puzzles, blood relations, statement conclusions and number series

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FAQ’s for NMAT Exam Pattern

Q: In what mode is the NMAT Exam held?

A: NMAT exam is conducted in CBT (computer-based) mode wherein the answers are filed electronically and recorded.

Q: Is there any special skills needed for the CBT mode?

A: No special skills or training is needed for the CBT mode. Basic knowledge of computers will do as the user interface is very simple. A brief introductory tutorial is also provided to each candidate.

Q: For how long is the NMAT exam?

A: NMAT exam is for 120 minutes with 120 questions of three marks each.

Q: Does the NMAT exam have negative marking?

A: There is no negative marking for incorrect answers and unanswered questions.

Q: How many times can NMAT be rescheduled?

A: In an admission cycle, a student gets three attempts.

Q: Can I choose an NMAT exam slot and exam schedule of my choice?

A: Yes, the date, time slot and location of the exam can be chosen based on your convenience.

Q: What are the important topics to study for in the NMAT exam?

A: Questions are based on- language skills, quantitative skills and logical reasoning. For more details, refer to the NMAT syllabus.

Q: How many questions are asked in the NMAT question paper?

A: There are a total of 120 questions of objective type.

Q: What is the medium of instruction of the NMAT exam?

A: The NMAT question paper is only in English.

Q: Is there a time limit for sections in the NMAT exam?

A: No there is no specific time limit for each section. This among many others is one of the main reasons why the NMAT is a student-friendly examination.

Q: How many sections are there in the NMAT question paper?

A: The question paper has three major sections of 120 questions. The Language Skills Section has 32 questions, the Quantitative Section has 48 and the Logical Reasoning has 40 questions.

Q: What is the marking format followed in the NMAT exam?

A: Each question carries 3 marks. The language section is for 96 marks, Quantitative Skills for 144 and Logical Reasoning for 120 marks.

Q: How can I build on my speed to answer all the questions in the NMAT exam?

A: The NMAT is also an exam that challenges the solving speed of the candidate. Practising the NMAT mock test is a good way to work on the speed as the Mock Test is an exact replication of the NMAT exam.

Q: Are the questions of NMAT exam tough?

A: The NMAT exam is quite average in terms of the difficulty levels. In the 2019 question paper, the logical reasoning section of the NMAT exam was quite challenging. However, if a candidate has a strong understanding of the fundamentals, the questions can be solved with great ease.

Q: Which section among the three sections of the NMAT exam is the toughest?

A: The Logical reasoning and Quantitative section is considered to be a bit challenging. A good grasp of the concepts is required to solve questions asked in these sections.

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