SNAP 2020 Examination Question Paper

Overview of SNAP Question Paper

SNAP Question Paper StructureDetails
Number of sectionsGeneral English
Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
Analytical & Logical Reasoning
Duration of exam120 minutes
Number of questions110 (105 Normal Questions, 5 Special Questions)
Total Marks150
Medium of paperEnglish
Mode of examinationOnline

How would Solving the Previous Years’ SNAP Question Papers help me? 

It is of immense help to increase your speed and accuracy besides boosting your confidence to meet the challenges in the test. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the question paper pattern.

Another advantage is that you could evaluate the level of preparation, identify the areas of strength and weaknesses.

It is possible that the questions of the previous year get repeated. In such cases, it will be advantageous if you had solved the questions during your practice sessions. You will also be able to strike the right balance between speed and accuracy through constant practice.

Also read:

SNAP Question Paper FAQs

Q: What is the medium of SNAP exam?

A: SNAP exam is conducted in English. The questions and other instructions will only be in the English language.

Q: Will there be a hard copy of SNAP question paper?

A: No, SNAP being an online exam, you will not be able to get a hard copy of the question paper.

Q: When is the SNAP question papers released?

A: SNAP question paper will be made available along with the answer key document, a few days after the test.

Q: Is there any difference between SNAP mock test and SNAP test paper?

A: Yes, the SNAP mock test is the same as the SNAP test paper. It would enable candidates to familiarise themselves with the actual test.

Q: For getting a good score in the SNAP exam, how many SNAP sample papers should I solve?

A: On an average, you should attempt at least 25-30 SNAP mock tests to perform well in the exam.

Q: Please explain the section sequence in SNAP question paper?

A: The first section will be General English, the second section will be Analytical & Logical Reasoning and the third section will be Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency.

Q: Which is the toughest section of SNAP?

A: Looking at the previous years’ question paper, the Analytical & Logical Reasoning section was tougher than the other two sections.

Q: How many Special Questions will be there in SNAP 2020 question paper?

A: Five Special Questions are expected in SNAP 2020 in Quantitative, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency sections.

Q: When should I expect the answer key of SNAP exam to be released?

A: SNAP exam answer key is released within a few days of the test.

Q: Which section of SNAP question paper has the maximum number of questions?

A: Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency section has the maximum number of questions at 40.

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