All those preparing for the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) could now get The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2017 with new content that includes 220 new questions.
The 864-page guide comes with an online question bank and an exclusive video priced at Rs. 1,799. It replaces the 16th edition of the official guide. The official guide for quantitative review is available for Rs. 799 and the official guide for verbal review at the same price. The official guide for GMAT combo that includes all three volumes is priced at Rs. 3199.
Though a number of guides are available in the market for GMAT test takers with questions and answers for practice, the official guide is the only one that carry real GMAT questions.
The 864-page guide comes with an online question bank and an exclusive video priced at Rs. 1,799. It replaces the 16th edition of the official guide.
Meanwhile, free GMAT software, GMATPrep from MBA.com, is also available for preparing for the test. It has two full-length Computer Adaptive Tests (CATs) that would be useful to assess the candidate’s level of practice and competence .
While answers are provided for all the questions, one drawback is no explanations are given for the underlying concepts.
For most candidates, the sheer volume of guides and other resources available both on-line and in the form of test papers and books offering tips and methods for maximising the scores could be intimidating and confusing.
Under the circumstances, the best bet would be to get the official GMAT guides along with the free GMATPrep software and sign up for a good online preparation course. GMAT also brings out books on specific topics.
GMAT’s online resources also allow the candidate to formulate their own practice tests with the exclusive online question bank of 900 questions, with answers and explanations, math review, essay topics and a diagnostic test, as well as 50 integrated reasoning questions. They could also access exclusive videos from real test takers and GMAC staff who share insight and tips on GMAT preparation.
The GMAT 2016 testing year began on July 1. The scores are taken into consideration for admission to more than 2,100 business schools and institutions in 115 countries.
ALSO READ: MBA Aspirants, Time To Start Preparations As GMAT Testing Year Begins
The GMAT exam measures the test taker’s ability to assess higher-order reasoning skills: verbal, quantitative, analytical writing and integrated reasoning.
Wiley, the publishers of the Official Guide, describes it as “the ultimate preparation kit” that provides success strategies and test-taking tips from the experts at GMAC, along with in-depth grammar and math review.
It is claimed to be designed to provide a targeted preparation experience customized to the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses. A diagnostic test helps the candidate prioritize study time, while the companion website (gmat.wiley.com) allows him or her to create their own practice tests focused on the areas that need improvement.
More than 900 past exam questions are answered with explanations, and actual example essays are included with scoring information. (Image Courtesy: MBA )