On-line MBA courses may be the best option for those with full-time jobs or others seeking flexibility in being able to do several other activities while doing the program. But how do employers look at an on-line degree and what aspects are to be considered while joining such courses? We take a close look at the scene.
Right on top would be questions about whether the MBA is at the same level as the full time program. Reputed colleges usually ensure that it carries the same credit as the regular course by supplementing online classes with connect weeks, capstone projects and even option of travelling abroad.
For instance, Kelly Direct Online (Indiana University’s Kelly School of Business) has in-residence Connect Weeks and opportunities for global immersion to ensure that students remain fully engaged with professors, classmates and the world—both in a virtual classroom environment and in person.
The second would be whether it is an accredited program. Employers would feel more comfortable to know that an outside agency had vetted and rated the program at a certain level.
In the US, the accrediting agency should be recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.Credits earned at schools without recognized accreditation may not transfer.
While most employers accept online MBAs from reputed schools, others may ask questions like why the candidate chose the online route. Earlier, they used to express concerns regarding whether students could learn vital business skills usually gained in a classroom setting, especially group collaboration.
However, most of the programs lay special emphasis on online interactive sessions, besides one or two on campus interactions. The syllabus is also of the same level as full-time courses. Increasing acceptance of online MBA has made it he most popular graduate degree pursued online, according to a 2015 survey by Aslanian Market Research and the Learning House.
Then comes the question whether the candidate should mention status of his degree as an online course. No need, says most experts. Executive search firms also ask hiring managers if the firm is open to recruiting candidates with online degrees.
Among the advantages of pursuing an online MBA course is the amount of flexibility it offers. Instead of being confined to the campus, students could travel far and wide to garner real world experience. With wi-fi connectivity available in most places, especially in Europe, including while travelling by bus or train, completing assignments on time is no big issue.
While there are deadlines for assignments, it is left to the student to complete them on time, whether by sitting up late at night or utilising any part of the day is of no concern.
Each one has to draw up their own schedule and work accordingly. This again allows a wide latitude for meeting regular job obligations, family commitments and socialising too. Savings also come in the form of not having to spent on lodgings and to a certain extent on books as most of the course material is available online.