The Said Business School at Oxford University was ranked first in the alumni section of the Bloomberg Businessweek International MBA Rankings relating to increase in salary, job satisfaction and the career impact of an MBA. In the overall ranking of 31 top business schools, it moved up three spots to the number 3 rank testifying to its popularity.
The MBA class of 2017 has 327 students with an average age of 28 years. With 94% of students from outside the UK, the class has 58 nationalities. The average GMAT score is 692 and average work experience 5.1 years. Female students constitute 36% of the class.
The rise in women’s representation from the previous year’s 31% is attributed to the school’s relationship with the Forte Foundation, which supports women in business and education and hosts events and conferences targeted towards engaging with and supporting women pre and post MBA.
While 24% of the students are from North America, South Asia makes its presence felt with 21% and East Asia at 12%.
In Employment background, Financial Services make up for almost 80% followed by others and Consulting around 50% and 40% respectively.
The students include Ndakuna Fonso Amidou, who founded a healthcare clinic in Cameroon that has delivered more than 3,000 babies. Laura Johnson Blair started a micro insurance social enterprise that reduced risks faced by more than 400,000 farmers in Tanzania, Rwanda, and Kenya.
In war-torn Columbia, Ana María Ñungo founded AccesoSolar, which delivered cleaner and more affordable water, freeing up precious dollars that families can use for food and healthcare. In Kenya, John Kakungulu Walugembe worked alongside the Ugandan government to develop pilot projects involving solar energy and water management.
The 12-month MBA at Said Business School starts in September. The fees of GBP 52,000 include tuition fees, college fees and membership to the Oxford Union. The program comprises 40% lectures, 25% each of case study and team project and 10% simulations.
It kicks off with a 3-week residential module designed to introduce the student to the world class business school community at Saïd Business School and to college and University life at Oxford.
This stage stresses on talent development through soft skill training and coaching. Students will start to build fundamental skills to support the core courses, particularly in Business Finance, Accounting and Analytics.
The launch also includes the start of the Leadership Fundamentals course and a one-day workshop with a guest speaker to introduce each year’s GOTO (Global Opportunities and Threats Oxford module) topic.
During the first term, named Michaelmas term, students will start to build the foundations of business by completing core courses. They will also have access to support courses and begin work on talent development plan. The first integrative module takes place during Michaelmas and focuses on Entrepreneurship. They will also begin work on GOTO tutorials.
The second term, the Hilary term, will see students continue to work on core courses as well as choosing elective courses. The Entrepreneurship Project takes place during this term as well as the second integrative module, Global Rules of the Game, is taught.
Trinity term comes next with students continuing their work on further elective courses and the last integrative module, Responsible Business.
During the summer, students have a choice of options in the form of a four to six-week strategic consulting project, summer electives, an internship of up to 8 to 9 weeks and Capstone project.
The course ends with a student developed final session of lectures, workshops and celebrations during the first two weeks of September.(Image Source:Google.com)