According to SDMIMD website, there are 90 credits divided into 4 terms and around 720 teaching hours and also including Study abroad Program, Corporate Immersion Program and Socially Relevant Project.
General Structure
The full time-residential PGCM course of 15 months is divided into 4 semesters of duration from 10 to 13 weeks.
The curriculum and the contents of this course are crafted thinking of the current dynamic developments in business atmosphere and thoughts related to core management and in sync with the methods followed in the top B-schools around the world.
The first two terms consist of mandatory core courses. These courses provide students with basic understanding of various aspects of management.
The 3rd and 4rt terms are a combination of Core and Specialization elective Courses with an integrated approach. The emphasis of specialized courses is on the strategic aspects in decision making and multi-functionality. These terms consist of courses based on different general and functional areas of management.
The integrated specialized subjects include major courses from specializations like Marketing, Human Resource Management, Operations, Finance and Systems and core in the area of other management specializations.
The B-School has designed the course curriculum including some unique programs and courses which makes it different from the curriculum of other institutes. These programs include Socially Relevant Projects, Business Ethics, Study Abroad Program and Corporate Immersion Program.
In the final 3 months of the course, the student undertakes a dissertation project. For the students completing the program successfully, the award function will be held one month after the project completion.
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