The US has for long been a favoured destination for MBA aspirants across the world on account of a number of high ranking B-schools that boast of an impressive line-up of expert faculty, networking and job opportunities galore.
However, gaining a seat is a tough proposition and you have to understand the basic requirements and work out a strategy.
First of all, conduct a thorough research on the various schools and programs on offer. Make a list of institutions across the country. You could contact the institutions at least one year in advance to explore the various options and facilities, including scholarships and other funding avenues.
While most of the MBA programs have three admissions rounds, international applicants should submit the application in the first two rounds to allow sufficient time to process visa paperwork.
While international students are ineligible for US government funded loans, grants, or aid programs, the schools will be able to provide you with information regarding other funding avenues, including education loans and scholarships.
While GMAT/GRE scores are not exactly admission clinchers, a good score is expected. Take care of the documentation that proves your ability to find the finances for the entire duration of your stay in the US.
Once the acceptance letter comes, send in your deposit immediately and apply for financial aid packages and on-campus housing. You may also need to send official transcripts of your academic record along with certified English translations if these are in a different language. The same procedure is to be followed if the recommendation letters are in any other language.
As an international student, you have to start the application process as early as possible to complete the Visa requirements and other documentation. As a full-time student, you will have to apply for an F-1 visa. Once you are accepted for the program, the school will mail you an I-20 application form.
This form should be filled up and submitted along with the passport to a United States Embassy or Consulate.
You will also have to fill out the “Affidavit of Support” form to prove that you have the finances to fund the length of your stay in the US. The visa application will be processed only after the submission of all these documents.
As far as grading scales are concerned, admission officers are generally familiar with systems followed across the world. So you need not waste time or money in trying to convert your transcript to a 4.0 scale.
As an applicant, you should be able to chart out your career goals clearly by leveraging your industry or functional knowledge that aligns with what you have accomplished to date. For identifying the programs that are the right fit, you need to talk to those familiar with the resources available, attend information sessions and tour events. The admission representatives and alumni will also be able to fill in the gaps in your knowledge about the program.