IIT Madras MBA Curriculum

MBA Curriculum

Pre-Term (July)
Data AnalyticsBasics of AccountingSpreadsheet Modelling


First Year
Quarter IQuarter IIQuarter IIIQuarter IV
MicroeconomicsIndividual Dynamics in OrganizationsFinancial Management IHuman Resources Management
Organization Structure and DesignManagement Information SystemsMacroeconomicsInformation Systems Analysis
Financial AccountingCost AccountingOperations ManagementSupply Chain Management
Marketing Management IMarketing Management IIGroup Processes in OrganisationsStrategic Management
Data Analysis for ManagementOperations ResearchResearch for Marketing DecisionsFinancial Management II
Systems Thinking and ApplicationsData Analysis ApplicationsManagerial CommunicationBusiness Research Methodology
Information Technology LabFinancial Analysis Applications


Summer Project


Second Year
Quarter VQuarter VIQuarter VII
Business ModelsLegal Aspects of BusinessContemporary Issues in Management
Behavioural LabIndustry and Business Domain AnalysisStrategic Networking
Elective 1Elective 5Elective 9
Elective 2Elective 6Elective 10
Elective 3Elective 7Elective 11
Elective 4Elective 8Elective 12


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