As you might have noticed, Oneyearmba.co.in has had a makeover! The new look is minimalist, modern & functional and geared to make reading the website a more intuitive experience.
The change was required. The response from our readers over the past months has been phenomenal! Over this period, our readership has grown exponentially in the over 30 countries that the website is read in. The new look aims to make discovering content easier, for you, our reader.
Oneyearmba.co.in was started with the aim to provide aspirants with in-depth and accurate information on One year MBA programmes. With your support, we seem to be succeeding in this mission. The new look is also our way of saying thank you. Thank you for your interest in the website and for your active participation in sharing your knowledge on the Forum and through your comments!
Some key changes:
We leave you to discover the rest of the features for yourself. Enjoy the new look!
Do please share your feedback on the new look with us. It will help us improve the website and encourage the whole team to keep bringing you their best. You can either note down your comments in the form below or email us at [email protected]
The Oneyearmba.co.in team
1 Comment
Logged in today and was pleasantly surprised to see the new design. The new look is very modern and clean. Category view on the front page is great. Kudos!