Why do IITians venture into MBA instead of going in for M.Tech? The answer to this query in Quora threw up interesting insights into the way technology changes are bringing about a happy marriage of technological aptitude and business skills with good financial packages being thrown in by way of salary and perks.
Abhinav Singh, who studied at NIT, but left IIM, feels there is nothing wrong for an IIT graduating from perusing business studies. The more diversified your field of study, the better it is for career advancement, he says.
He bases his argument on five parameters. One, the average compensation offered by IIMs is far better than that of an M.Tech programme. Two, the industrial exposure offered by IIM is far more relevant to the needs of the corporate sector unlike the M.Tech programme that has become more theoretical than practical.
Three, in job placements, most of the MBA grads are able to get a position in a field of their choice. In engineering, with the opportunities in core sector not so lucrative, students end up taking placement in IT firms.
Even those in core engineering branches may find his pace of growth slow in the firm while those with a degree with MBA have nabbed the top most positions. Those who love technical field o for GRE rather than M.Tech because of better exposure.
Four, not everyone is cut out to be an engineer. Realisation may dawn on them only after joining the IIT that all the dreams of earning in crores is restricted only to the top one percent. They find MBA to be a lucrative option.
Five, ever since PSUs (Public Sector Undertakings) started recruitment based on GATE scores, the top scorers leave rather than go in for higher research studies. The resultant loss of quality students reflect on the salary offers later.
Naveen Kumar gives five examples of leaders of top technology companies with technological as well as MBA qualifications– Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella BE, MS,MBA; Google CEO Sundar Pichai, B.Tech, MS, MBA; Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayan BS, MS, MBA; Apple CEO Tim Cook BS, MBA; Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg BA,MBA.
He says while many people assume that MBA and B.Tech are totally unrelated degrees, facts are to the contrary. Consider Investment Banking that needs good mathematical skills, sound logic and analytical knowledge of excel data. Engineers trained in quantitative skills and logic are useful here.
Product Management is a bridge between the engineering and marketing in technology companies. Those with engineering background would help work with the engineers and MBA background would help in planning and marketing.
Engineers also learn aspects of business like strategy important in managing or scaling up businesses.
Akshat Solanki, Director at Abrotok Innovations Pvt Ltd., presents the scene in India where startups are growing and there are the job positions that require knowledge of both technical and other fields like Finance, marketing, HR and the like. These jobs are comparatively high paying when it comes to the comparison with getting a masters into any of the engineering field.