The Return on Investment (RoI) plays an important role in MBA aspirants’ choice of a particular program or school amid skyrocketing fees and other expenses. According to the latest data from SoFi, it’s the University of Wisconsin School of Business that offers the best RoI among US B-schools.
Wisconsin graduates managed to net an average salary of $122,532 and average debt of $52,568 for an ROI score of 2.3x, SoFi, a student loan refinancing company reported. It had taken three years’ worth of data from applications submitted by MBA graduates, including average salary and debt.
The previous year’s topper, Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Business was ranked 2nd with an ROI score of 2.3x, based on the average starting salary of $114,599 and an average debt of $50,224.
Based on the calculation of a basic salary-to-debt ratio to score, the schools were listed as the “No BS” Return on Education 2018 MBA. More than 60,000 SoFi loan applications from MBA graduates between January 2014 and December 2017 were taken up for the analysis.
Last year the University of Wisconsin was fourth, where graduates reported an average salary of $109,954 and average debt of $59,864, for an ROI score of 1.8x.
The previous year’s topper, Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Business was ranked 2nd with an ROI score of 2.3x, based on the average starting salary of $114,599 and an average debt of $50,224.
SoFi had rounded off the average salary divided by average debt. Without the rounding to the first digit after the decimal, Wisconsin scores a 2.33x and BYU manages 2.28x.
In the third spot is Harvard Business School with RoI score of 2.21X with an average salary of $184,463 and average debt of $83,337. Next comes Stanford GSB with an average salary of $186,534 and average debt of $85,433.
Villanova’s School of Business was 5th with an ROI score of 2.17x. However, in the published data, it was listed it as 2.1x. In the 6th spot is University of Pittsburgh (Katz) with a salary to debt ratio of 2.1, an average salary of $149,157 and average debt of $71,471.
In the 7th place is Loyola University (Maryland) with a salary to debt ratio of 2.1, an average salary of $122,915 and average debt of $59,029. Next comes North Carolina State University with a salary to debt ratio of 2.0, an average salary of $92,184 and average debt of $46,140.
The University of Florida with a salary to debt ratio of 2.0, an average salary of $110,942 and average debt of $ 56,035 is in the 9th place followed by University of Houston with a salary to debt ratio of 1.9, average salary of $105,476 and an average debt of $54,308 in the tenth place.
As far as top average salaries are concerned, University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton graduates reported an average salary of $224,034 and debt of $128,549 with a salary to debt ratio of 1.7.